Thursday, March 24, 2016

Aw Yeawwn! Easy Cell Phone Sleep App

Aww Yeaawnn!

Cell phone app of real people yawning to help each other fall asleep.

Users need easy blocking capability (dick trolls).

Screen users with FaceBook etc?

Simple swipe feature, people with best yawns get incentive and paid to yawn through ads below their profile. You get a cut of all ads.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Estate Property Party Dream

Had a fun dream that I was going to a friend of Linh's wedding on a Friday and skipping work to go.  It turned out it wasn't well planned but the property we were going to was huge with a gigantic rope swing set (not sure what city we were in, but didn't feel like San Diego, felt more like Spain/Italy with narrow streets and steep turns).  I swung on the rope which was part of a large wooden framed jungle-gym with swings and posts to swing between.

I vividly remember swinging so high and fast that I was nearly worried my grip would hold no more.  Practically zero-gravity sensation of free-fall.  Whoa.

And I packed my clothes for the wedding (related to my thoughts of moving out from Linh the day before?) but forgot my underwear or something.  The two guys Linh got us to carpool with (she went with someone else or something, not clear about that though) turned out to be gay but wasn't an issue till the guy started advancing toward me in the backseat.  Just talking but I had to dismiss him.

I'll think of more later but nothing extraordinarily bizarre or sensationally meaningful that I can recall besides the amusing aspects of experiencing what it is to be the graceful apes that we are.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Golden Rule Is Not Enough

More to discuss on this matter, so if you're interested in "fixing" the world, read on and check back later.

If the Golden Rule states (in Classical/Victorian English vernacular) : "Do unto others as you would have done to you," and if this rule is valued as gold, well, there are some questions that must be asked regarding why the rule hasn't provided salvation from fear, distrust, and harm.

People obviously will spend a lot of time, effort and money to acquire gold, and the USA's and global economic system depends on this value, so why isn't society system of moral and ethical treatment of each other able to hold the same standard?  The gold standard for economics essentially places relative value, prices, on EVERYTHING with respect to an exchange of it for gold.  A social standard for behavior and interaction should be based on everyone treating each other with equal dignity and respect, but we fail to do so and hence do not consider all human beings equal.

Where is the breakdown?  The Gold Rule must be reminded in every situation/interaction, and consequences for breaking the rule are shame and retaliation (by penalty or penal detention).  I seek to dig deeper into the psychology if it always comes down, ultimately, to a decision by a human being.

How do we treat ourselves, if this is the basis for treating others?  Apparently, not well.  Why don't we treat ourselves with utmost dignity and self-respect?  These questions must be understood and answered in order to solve issues big and small, because they are the same issues, that plague the world with fear, distrust, and harm to one another, and another.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Why it's good to "Err on the side of Caution"

As chatted with my friend this afternoon:
   me:  so there's 3-4 people walking around the aisles near me, one's an attractive young 30-something blonde so i do my thing, get my print-outs, fill up my water bottle - pretty much everything/anything I can do for a glimpse at her  and i'm sitting at my cube (which is at the end of the aisle and rather open to everyone who walks by) eating my  apple and echolocating every step of her heels and she finally passes by so I glance up, and she catches me off guard with "How's the apple?" all friendly like so contrary to all my hopes of contact with her, I impulsively react with a feeling of "do I know you" and all I could sputter out was "It's good." like a lametard and then I realize a second  later I could've been a bit more jovial about it, but it's better I erred on the side of caution otherwise I might blurt something really stupid out like, "I'd rather take a bite out of YOU " haha
-----------  the-end ------------

Monday, May 3, 2010

Fooled to reverse alchemistry of the golden rule.

Just watching some videos and listening to webcasts about "Smart Grid" development and Electric Vehicles (EV's) and thought about how speakers at professional and academic panel discussions are introduced to the listeners by their accolades and achievements. Are people better off as productive units of an socio-industrial machine? Aren't people better off as people? rather than as automatons working like bees or ants for a runaway train society? A balance needs to be struck between efficiency and respect for human beings.

The Golden Rule of doing to others as you would have them do to you. If you dehumanize yourself by reducing yourself to your lowest common denominator in terms of work output or efficiency and your dreams and desires to 'utility units', it is ever more conceivable that you can dehumanize those who you misunderstand to be working 'for', and to be 'contributing to'. Humanize yourself and give back the humanity to those around you.
...ramble on...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

What's on the menu tonight?

Just cooked what looks like a fabulous dinner for myself, courtesy of COSTCO and Fairway Market for my soup and pre-fab meatballs. It goes a little something like this:

La Zupa: Creamy chicken soup with broth, celery, artichoke, etc.

Il Primo Piatto: Bortellini's Alfredo Sauce (Garlic Flavored), Peas, Brussels, and Green Onion bottoms served over Rigatoni (very nearly al dente)

El Secondo Piatto: Meatballs delicioso with Asparagus broiled in a spiced virgin oil.

First/Second plate eaten simultaneously, with coffee and cookies n' cream (heavy duty ice cream sandwish style) ice cream for desert.

This well deserved meal comes to me after spending the better part of the day in Red Hook, Brooklyn assisting my friend/colleague/superior, Marty, at his and his friend, Sean's Bamboo Bike Studio. They're preparing for increased production at a plant in Ghana but still serve 2 customers per weekend - this weekend being warm and welcoming for me as the 'Family & Friends' weekend.

I'm still preparing for my trip to San Diego (got the UTSR Gas Turbine Fellowship!) for the summer and hopefully well beyond. Ken Retus is helping me out at the moment with scoping apartments out, but it looks like I'll be getting a good deal in the lively neighborhood of Pacific Beach (12 blocks from the beach) nicely located between the beach and the office (heaven and hell? jk - I'm excited to continue learning at Solar Turbines) and also with UCSD Engineering students for roommates to boot!

Can't wait for Cory to finish his MCAT next weekend either, we've been only hanging out once a month but he and I and Sage got to tour Central Park briefly together and I went thrifting with Sage quickly. Okay, talking with mom on the phone now, till next time.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

March 23rd, procrastinating through the 22nd hour...

Just had to write these incredible one liners down. As my brother and I have discussed before about our own particular way of writing, either auto-journalistic, lyrical, poetical or prosaic, we are great writers but in an odd respect. We both felt confident, at that moment, that we were capable of writing great pieces of work to be remembered for all eternity, however in the end, we both knew and even admitted to each other - that our books would contain a vast expanses of one-liners. Anon anon, without further adieu.

"I'm don't play the Games of Life 'cause I'm to busy Living'Em."

"Laughing is like loving but loving we were not having"

More will come back to me soon enough after I pass out of this purple haze.